Category Archives: Shakeology

Daily Success 1/30/2013 – one day I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize myself


I’ve always been the tall, thin girl, who never had to exercise, or give much thought to what I ate. But then one day I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize myself. I had packed on 10 pounds, was bloated beyond belief, and looked exhausted. I felt horrible inside and out, and my confidence was totally shot.

I didn’t know what to do to reverse what I had done until a friend reminded me that I had purchased P90X a few years back, and suggested I give it a try. I’ve always been impressed by the results other people got—so I dug it out, dusted it off, and found my Team Beachbody Coach, Jamie Len Cumbo. I’m so incredibly thankful I did, because Jamie and my Challenge Group helped me turn my life around in just three short months.

It’s really tough going from NEVER working out and eating junk for 21 years, to pushing play EVERY SINGLE DAY and eating healthy! So if it weren’t for Jamie and my Challenge Group, I would have thrown in the towel and quit very early on. The only reason I succeeded was because of the accountability and the inspirational aspect of the group. We’d share tips, recipes, and motivational quotes on a daily basis, which was key to keeping everyone on track.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I’ve never been a major sweets person, but have always been addicted to bad carbs, like breads and pastas. But within the first week of drinking Shakeology, my cravings disappeared, my digestion improved, and my energy level shot up significantly. Looking back, I wish I started drinking url=]Shakeology[/url] on day one, but unfortunately, I didn’t take my first sip until the last month ofP90X. Now I can’t image living without it.

I ended up losing 9 pounds with P90X and Shakeology, and I’m down to my “normal” weight. I went from having 20% body fat to only 14%, and I’ve toned up completely. The body parts I’m most proud of after P90X are my abs. I’ve always been skinny, but I’ve never had abs. Now I do and it feels great! I’ve also regained my confidence and absolutely love life again.

I had such a successful experience that I’m now a Beachbody Coach, on a mission to help others regain their health, bodies, and lives. If I could do it, anyone can.

Daily Success 1/29/2013 – I got into the habit of eating anything and everything


In high school I played offensive line and was expected to be as big as possible, so I got into the habit of eating anything and everything in sight. When my weight crept up to 250 lbs. during my freshman year of college, I felt absolutely awful, but had no idea how to downsize. Then a sports injury cut my athletic dreams, and college days, short. So I moved home to become a firefighter—just like my dad.

But before my First Responder days could begin, I knew I had to lose a ton of weight. I mean, how was I supposed to pull someone out of a burning building when I was too out of shape to get to them in time? With that realization, I vowed to lose weight, get in shape, and not let my poor physical condition be the reason someone didn’t make it out of a fire alive.

I had seen several Beachbody® infomercials on TV and they all promised great things, so I gave a few a try. First I did INSANITY®. Figured I needed something pretty insane to start peeling off those pounds. Then I moved on to P90X®, and just recently completed INSANITY: THE ASYLUM® Vol. 1. I also drank Shakeology®, which gave me a ton of energy and helped me slim down.

Between those three incredible workout programs, Shakeology, and completely revamping my diet, I lost 50 pounds, went from a 40” waist down to 31”, and shredded 20% of my body fat. Now I have as little body fat as an elite athlete, sporting an amazingly low 6%. I can see muscles that I didn’t even know I had. Finally have abs. And am smaller now that I was in 6th grade! Old friends don’t even recognize me anymore because I’ve lost so much weight. And just recently, I visited an aunt whom I hadn’t seen in awhile and she had no idea who I was. WOW. Talk about change.

Now I’m a fit and healthy firefighter. I haven’t had to rescue anyone from a burning building yet, but when that day comes, I know I’m now physically capable of doing it. And there’s no better feeling than that! I’m a completely different person now, and boy does it feel great.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/26/2013 – At the ripe young age of 40, I was killing myself with destructive habits.



At the ripe young age of 40, I was killing myself with destructive habits. My life consisted of working, eating, going to happy hour, eating more, drinking more, watching TV, eating even more, going to sleep—then repeat. And even though I tried losing weight with Weight Watchers and Herbalife, the results never stuck. Eventually, I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror because I was so disgusted with who I’d become. So when my doctor told me that if I didn’t change I wouldn’t see my 45th birthday—sadly, I hoped she was right.

Deep down inside I knew that there had to be more to life. So I asked God to forgive me for abusing my body and prayed for help. When I say, “Thank God for Beachbody®!” I mean it literally. I prayed, He answered. And He put not one, but THREE Beachbody programs, and Shakeology®, into my life.

First I did P90X®. My goal was to get strong enough to do a pull-up and REAL push-ups (not the “girl” kind). P90X was tough, but apparently, so was I. Then I moved on to Chalean Extreme® because I wanted to continue toning up while sculpting killer arms (which I did). My 3rd program was LES MILLS PUMP® which pumped up my flat-as-a-pancake calves and lifted my butt. When I started drinking Shakeology, my blood pressure and weight started to drop, and my hair and nails began growing like wildfire.

But even though I eventually had great success, the first 7 months were incredibly tough. I was only losing about 2 lbs. per month and was frustrated at how slowly my body was responding. Almost daily I wanted to call it quits, but right when I was about to walk away, Tony, Chalene, or Shaun T. would say something that kept me going. And then there was my wonderful Facebook group who encouraged me daily to push harder and not give up before “the miracle happens”.

It took a full year, but “the miracle” did happen. I dropped 5 clothing sizes and lost 50 pounds. I’m off my high-blood pressure meds and anti-depressants. And I finally love my body, and myself. Now I’m paying it forward as a Beachbody Coach, helping others achieve success.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/23/2013 – Now I’m 15 pounds lighter, and a million times happier and healthier.


After losing our family business and facing bankruptcy back in July of 2011, I was both a physical and an emotional wreck. My life was spiraling out of control and “comfort food” was my crutch. My middle was growing bigger and bigger, which made me more and more depressed. Then one day, I had enough and ordered P90X2®. Unfortunately, my husband and I were both so far out of shape that we couldn’t do it, so we gave LES MILLS PUMP® a shot—and thank goodness we did.

PUMP was so much fun that we forgot we were working out. Not only were we both quickly losing a ton of weight, I was building muscle, lifting more weight than I ever thought possible, and could finally do push-ups again! I was so happy with my results that everyday I was tempted to climb out onto my rooftop and shout: “Workouts don’t have to be hard or horrible!”

And then there was Shakeology®, which played a huge role in my transformation as well. After just one sip, I was hooked. Not only does Shakeology taste amazing, it helped improve my digestion, lower my cholesterol, and gave me incredible amounts of energy. I’m so full of life from this amazing shake that I can’t imagine going through one day without it.

Now I’m 15 pounds lighter, and a million times happier and healthier. I look nothing like I used to and feel like a completely different person. Exercise triggered a part of my brain that changed my mood and gave me an incredibly positive outlook on life. I’m finally back in control and it feels great. Thanks!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/15/2013 – For years I’d been popping pills…

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups8-Keresha-ShakeologyFor years I’d been popping pills to deal with my arthritis, diverticulosis, coronary artery disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease—and I was only 46. Add to that a diet of junk food and Diet Mountain Dew, and I was playing Russian roulette with my life. I needed to stop, but didn’t know how.

When it came to getting fit, I had as many “I Can’ts” as I had medical issues. But after reading a few “success stories”—just like this one, I got a Coach and he recommended Power 90. I forced the issue by posting my “before” pictures on Facebook for all my friends and family to see. Talk about fully committing. There was no way to back out now. It didn’t matter how old and tired I felt, I couldn’t allow myself to fail in front of the people I love.

Then I addressed my diet. It took me two weeks to wean myself off of Diet Mt. Dew, but I did with the help of Shakeology. Shakeology was amazing, I suddenly had energy and didn’t crave the caffeine at all. Next, I replaced the junk with much healthier foods and I began to feel better almost instantly.

I lost 26 inches and over 10% of my body fat. I can do push-ups and jumping jacks and moves I never thought I could. I feel amazing! The best part of all, I’m not taking any more medication. I have no arthritis pain, no heartburn and absolutely no symptoms from diverticulosis. At 46, I feel better than I did at 36. You just can’t beat that!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/8/2013 – After having 8 children, you could say I’ve always been a mom

1-Kimberly-TMT-RA-ShaOAfter having 8 children, you could say I’ve always been a mom. But I wasn’t always 110 lbs. overweight. No, that came from putting on 10 lbs. with each baby and never taking that weight off.

After cooking and cleaning (I do about 125 loads of laundry and over 100 loads of dishes EVERY month), home-schooling, and taking care of my husband—I just didn’t have anything left over for me… until this year.

When I saw Tony Horton with his 10-Minute Trainer workout—I said, maybe I can sneak away for 10 minutes. And I started. Soon 10 minutes became 20, and then 30, and I finished 10-Minute Trainer!!! I loved it.

But after all those babies, I decided it was time to attack my abs with RevAbs. So off I went. When I started, I had to modify. I gave birth EIGHT TIMES!!! There was NO WAY I could even consider jumping jacks. But by the end, I didn’t have to modify at all—I CAN do jumping jacks!

So far, I’ve lost 75 lbs. I give credit to 10-Minute Trainer, Rev-Abs and Shakeology. I drink Shakeology twice a day for several months. It cut cravings and gave me a good amount of protein and both start and end my day with.

Best of all, I am going to be a grandmother—at 49—next month. I used to look like a grandmother, but NOT ANYMORE! Now, I don’t even feel like a grandmother. And after all this time, I can fit into my wedding dress!!!!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 1/1/2012 – After hiding behind sweaters Mellissa isn’t hiding now!



I’ve always had weight issues. Back in grade six is when I became really self-conscious about it. I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed that I would wear sweaters all year around, no matter how hot it was outside. After having a difficult time in public school, I decided to switch to online home schooling. Food quickly became my best friend.

By the end of high school, I was barely 5ft tall, weighed 210lbs, and wore size 20 jeans. I was severely depressed, embarrassed and fat. I was in a dark place, questioning my life when I heard about P90X. I said, ‘it’s do or die,’ so I forced myself to do it.

I felt this spark I had never felt before. It wasn’t easy, but I knew right away that this was going to save my life. It was a challenge completely out of my comfort zone. At first I could barely get through the warm-up. I would hit pause, stop to catch my breath, and then ask myself if this was really what I wanted to do.

The answer was always YES! So I’d get up, press play and force myself to keep going. I noticed changes very quickly and within a few weeks my ‘fat’ clothes didn’t fit anymore! I felt like I was alive again.

My life has changed drastically since I started P90X. I’ve lost 77 lbs so far. I eat very clean diet- lots of fruits and vegetables, gluten free and no dairy. I also replace one meal a day with Shakeology. For the first time in my life I can finally say that I am truly happy!

Best of all, I can say that I took charge of my life and I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Daily Success 12/30/2012 – After losing his parents John knew that he needed to change his life…


Up until a few years ago, I never thought much about health and fitness. As a kid, I ate whatever food was put in front of me and never excelled at any sports. So as time passed, I packed on the pounds and became very lethargic. Even though I was extremely frustrated with my weight and didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, I had no idea what to do about it and eventually lost hope that I’d ever see a real change in myself.

But after losing both of my parents in two years due to health-related issues, I realized that if I didn’t change my ways, I’d be next. So I went on a diet, lost 45 lbs., then hit a plateau. It wasn’t until I started doing Hip Hop Abs®, drinking Shakeology® daily, and sticking to the nutrition plan that the weight started melting away.

So far I’ve lost 68 pounds (from 267 down to 199 lbs.) and a MASSIVE AMOUNT of body fat (from 30% down to 12%). But beyond my impressive stats, when I looked in the mirror, I’m so proud of what I see. And it feels amazing to hear others tell me how great I look. This is the first time since high school that I weigh less than 200 lbs. and words can’t express how proud I am of myself for that accomplishment.

My life has drastically changed since joining my Challenge Group and completing Hip Hop Abs. I feel as if I’m doing my parents proud and that they’re watching over me in my quest to be fit and help others do the same. My confidence has gone through the roof and I’m loving life! And none of this would be possible without Beachbody, MY coach, and everyone’s support. I owe you all my life. Really, I do. Thank you.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Christmas Newsletter and End of the Year Deals!

Seasons Greetings!!

What an exciting time of year.  This is the time of year that I love as we seem to get together with family and friends more often, review what we have done in the past year, build memories and most importantly a time to share with others.

Of course over the past (almost) two years I have had the opportunity to meet, talk and share some fantastic experiences with so many of you.  And I can truly say that you have all changed my life personally.  We have team member that live as far as Dubai (she is at home in Texas for the holidays) and I have other team members that live right next door, but know that where ever you live I feel that you are part of my family and I want you to know that I am here to support you.

I want to give a shout out to two team members that have recently finished Insanity!!

New Years Resolution Deal!

For all Challenge Pack order until the end of the year not only will you get a great program along with Shakeology and free shipping but I will also give you a $25 TeamBeachBody gift card or a Copy of Revabs a $90 value(limited quantity of RevAbs and when they are gone they are gone).  Review the Challenge Packs HERE!!!

You don’t know what a challenge pack is for?  It is for a Challenge group which you can find out more information here: Challenge Group Information


Last June Beachbody changed the formula of the Regular Chocolate Shakeology reducing that amount of sugar and increasing the amount of Fiber.  In doing so they also changed the flavor and while many people did not mind the new flavor there was a good portion of people that did not care for the new taste.  Beachbody sprung into action and put a panel of 2500 customers and coaches together to come out with a flavor that is more appealing.  WELL I am happy to announce that the new flavor is out! If you are already on Shakeology Home Direct and receiving the regular Shakeology then you are set, if you haven’t tried Shakeology before now is your chance to try the most healthy meal of the day!  Remember there is a 30 day money back garentee and if you order it Home Direct the shipping is free and you can still cancel at any time!

See what is in the new Shakeology here.

Get your 30 day Supply with your 30 day garentee here.


Like always feel free to contact me with all your question and have a Happy Holidays!!

Coach G

Team Facebook Page:


Daily Success 12/19/2012 – Christy was a mess after 30 years of dieting

Growing up, I always had to watch my weight. After I had children, I went on a roller coaster of dieting—I was the “Queen of Dieting” through my 20’s, 30’s and 40s. As I headed for the dreaded “50” mark, I was a mess. Too heavy. My blood pressure out of control. I absolutely hated myself.

When I started having heart palpitations, my doctor threatened blood pressure meds. I just wasn’t going to let that happen. So on January 1, 2012, I started Les Mills Pump and FELL IN LOVE!!! The first month, I lost 7 lbs. and 8.5 inches. I knew I had found my soul mate workout Then I added Shakeology and TurboFire and I was rocking.

At 51, I’m in the best shape of my life. So far, I’ve lost 28 pounds and my blood pressure went from 165/89 to a nice normal range of 119/64! My doctor was shocked and he’s so proud. I owe it all to Shakeology and Chalene for all the high energy she brings to my TV. I’m so pyched for LES MILLS COMBAT, I’ve already ordered it!

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