The dictionary defines success as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
Have you looked at what success means to you?
Ultimately when we strive for success it comes in many forms for different people, but when it comes down to it happiness is what we are striving for.
Sadly many times what people think will bring them happiness is looking for the approval of others. Thinking that when they have the approval have that special someone, their boss, their family or some other outside source, then they will be happy.
Never taking the time to make sure that they’re happy for themselves. And when they reach their goal of getting the approval of that outside source they still are not happy.
Make sure that your goals are for yourself and not for someone else. They can affect other people but it needs to be for you and not them. You need to care I care about it and about yourself, because if you do not care about your goal then others will not care or respect it either.
When I decided that I had to change it was for myself because I wanted to be someone that I was happy with and that I was proud to have my kids look up to. I wanted to feel desirable to my wife, even though I knew she would love me no matter what I looked like.
I was proud of myself whenever I hit different level of my fitness goals, so it was just an added bonus when my wife compared me to Thor, you can never go wrong when you are compared to a demi-god.