Most of these stories are about people who lost weight. Mine’s about that, too. But I lost something else that I’ve been battling my whole life—severe, self-destructive depression.

In high school, I tried to hurt myself, so I was put into the hospital and diagnosed with Anorexia. I wasn’t Anorexic—I was just too depressed to eat. So I spent the next 12 years out of it on 10 different anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and anti-psychotic medications.
I managed until my husband deployed overseas and I was left alone with our baby. Once again, spiraled so far that I was hospitalized and prescribed medication that made me gain weight. When I became pregnant again, I ended up at 217 pounds—after delivering twins. And I just kept gaining.
I can’t say it crept up on me, but one day when I saw a picture of myself and two of my beautiful, healthy, smiling friends—with me, the fat girl, in the middle. That sent me straight to YouTube. When I saw a Success Story about a girl who did Turbo Fire. She was getting dressed for the day, talking and sharing, and I realized—It wasn’t about getting skinny, it was about LIVING. I needed to just start living.
If I could just make myself want to do the workout, I could do life again. TurboFire got me started. Chalene was so positive. I felt like she was my friend—someone who accepted me and encouraged me and cared about me. When she talked in the video, it felt like she was cheering ME on.

In the first 30 days, I only lost 5 pounds. But the physical change was INCREDIBLE. I went down 4 pant sizes and my energy was AWESOME. I lost a total of 40 pounds with TurboFire!
Even better, the cloud started to lift. I actually felt POSITIVE about my future. So I made a HUGE decision to start letting clean eating and exercise lead my life.
Since then, I’ve lost 80 pounds and 11 pant sizes. I’ve been off all medications and even though I still battle depression and anxiety, I now have healthy ways to deal without chemicals and pills.
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My body is better. My health is better. My marriage is better. My life is better. I have a purpose in life. I have a drive to make the most of each and every day—and a new passion for health and fitness.
Thanks Beachbody. You saved my life.