Daily Success 12/24/2012 – After two miscarriages Michelle had severe depression



My life before TurboFire was a roller coaster. After I had my daughter, I got pregnant twice and each ended in miscarriage. The worst was going into early labor at 17 weeks and having to say good-bye to my son who passed away after birth.

I went into severe depression and just lost it. I couldn’t do anything. Didn’t want to leave the house. I just ate. I felt like I was worthless. I guess I just turned to food. My health spiraled out of control. I was unhappy and leading a completely unhealthy lifestyle.

My Beachbody Coach, saved me. He was hosting a TurboFire Challenge Group and asked me to join every night. Finally I gave in and said yes.

The program had great music and I used to be a dancer, so I loved the dance. But Chalene made the biggest difference. She is amazing. Whenever I want to quit, she is on my TV yelling, “YOU’RE NOT TIRED!”

When I started the TurboFire Challenge, I weighed 130 lbs.—when day 90 came, I weighed in at 112 lbs.! I even lost 13.5 inches overall. My entire philosophy has changed. I drink Shakeology. I’m more confident. I love the way I look. My energy levels are through the roof. And my husband and I are closer than ever!

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