Daily Success 3/28/2013 – I’d go the first week, then find excuses to stop.

I can’t remember the last time my weight wasn’t on my mind. It has been a constant battle since I was 9. I was the girl who spent tons of money on trainers. I’d go the first week, then find excuses to stop. I’d do CRAZY diets, then quit and gain everything back. I was completely unhealthy.
When I was at my heaviest, I was sitting on the couch one night eating chocolate when I came across an INSANITY infomercial. I was so impressed with the results that people were having that I decided to Google “insanity” and “insanity results.” I stayed up ‘til 4 am looking at transformations and wishing it was me.

Best of all, I convinced myself to stop wishing and start doing! One of the transformations that caught my eye was from a Beachbody Coach named Melinda. I emailed her and the next day she replied. She asked about me and asked about my goals, then sent me some info about TurboFire and said I would love it.

She was so right. The punching, kicking and jumping keeps me pumped throughout the whole day. The music is AMAZING and Chalene motivates me to keep doing more than I did the last time. I FEEL AMAZING! I can say for the first time that I am HAPPY, HEALTHY, and PROUD. I still have to pinch myself to believe it, but I lost 26.5 lbs. with 90 days of TurboFire.

And I’m a completely changed person. There’s no room for negativity in my life. I didn’t stop with TurboFire. I’m now doing P90X and I’m planning to BRING IT with another program.

Best of all, I feel like my results can inspire people to become fit and healthy. I learned that I am much stronger than I thought and am capable of achieving my goals through hard work. I’m happy.

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