Daily Success 2/21/2013 – I really thought I was in okay shape.


Like many people, I really thought I was in okay shape. I ate what I wanted, even a pint of ice cream right before bed. I used to go to the gym a few times a week many years back, and somehow thought that this would carry me through.

I realized how wrong I was when my wife took some pictures of me without my shirt on when I wasn’t paying attention. I was shocked, and frankly, embarrassed at how bad I had gotten. I thought, okay, maybe I’m up around 180, but when the scale said 205 and a body fat check showed over 25%, I knew it was time for a change.

I started slow, cutting our soda and booze and phasing out junk food, but when a friend told me about P90X, that was it. I stopped and started several times, but once I found the teambeachbody website and started connecting with other Beachbody friends on Facebook, that was it. I was hooked.

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My first 90 days of P90X, I lost 45 lbs. and cut down to about 10% body fat. After that, I did the P90X One on One series to add some bulk. (I loved Tony’s humor and his style was perfect for me.) Then I did P90X2 —twice—and was down to 170 lbs. and 4.5% body fat!!!

And you know what? I went from being able to do zero unassisted pull-ups to a max set of 27!