Daily Success 12/16/2012 – After a girls weekend out, Lisa decided to change

I went on my first diet at seven years old. And every ten years, I’d “wake up” and realize that I had gained back all the weight I worked so hard to lose. Then the cycle would repeat. At 39, I was 5’ 5”, wore a size 20, and tipped the scale at 200 pounds. Even though I was NOT comfortable in my own skin, I was simply used to it.

It wasn’t until I went away for a Girls Weekend with a friend and saw a picture of myself (which is something I’d always avoid) that I finally realized I had to change. And not just for now—but forever. I needed a plan that had nothing to do with yo-yo dieting. I needed something that was proven successful. I needed help. Major help! And that’s when I turned to Slim in 6 and Shakeology.

Slim in 6’s cardio, body sculpting, and light resistance training gave me an all-over workout on a level my body could handle. Shakeology was great because it helped reduce my cravings while increasing my energy. On the days I’d skip Shakeology, I felt horrible. So I don’t make that mistake anymore.

But beyond the workouts and the shakes, the one thing that was key to my transformation was my Beachbody challenge group. They supported me, believed in me (even when I stopped believing in myself), and kept me focused on my goals. And even though I’m dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis and sometimes have to modify my workouts due to pain, my challenge group constantly cheer me on. There’s no way you can fail with that kind of support.

Now I’m down to 129 lbs., a lovely size 6, and am happier than I’ve ever been. Thanks Beachbody—you truly changed my life.

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