T25 Speical ends on Wednesday please watch and decide to Focus!!

This is a great program and great deals.  Whether you choose the Focus T25 Challenge pack with over $90 in savings with Shakeology, the T25 program, a free month of Club Beachbody and free shipping, or just the regular program with free shipping you won’t be sorry.  Isn’t your family, your job, your future worth 3% of your day?  Isn’t it worth 25 minutes?

Lets get started to day!!  If you have questions message me here:

If you want more details of what you get check out the link to the programs:
Challenge Pack (Best Value): http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCPT25205?referringRepId=96438

Regualr Program: http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/T25Base?referringRepId=96438

But remember if you wait any longer the program will still be here but the special will be gone.