Daily Success 1/5/2013 – At 21, my life was going downhill fast.


At 21, my life was going downhill fast. I went from playing on a national volleyball team for 5 years, to occasionally running on a treadmill. I was in college, giving 100% to my studies, so I had no time for exercise. I was out of shape, gaining weight, and had no time to work out, no time for myself at all. And that was taking a huge toll on my emotional health. I was mean to my family. I was mean to my friends, and I nearly drove away the man of my dreams. Not good.

The truth was, I hated who I had become—and I was sinking fast.

I had worked so hard through school that I had never taken the time to get to know myself—and realize that I should be in control of my own future and my own happiness.

Thankfully, Beachbody showed me that if I commit and believe 110%, I could make anything happen.

I chose Brazil Butt Lift to transform my body—and transform it did. I lost inches off my hips and butt, and most of all, my abductors. I can’t believe the difference in my inner and outer thighs.

Since completing Brazil Butt Lift, my life has changed in so many ways. I am so blown away by the mindset that Beachbody has created for me that I have a lot more faith in everything—and that makes me happy.

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