Daily Success 2/27/2013 – I used all the excuses. Too tired. No time. Can’t afford gym membership. Until I finally had it

When I had my twins, I gave up on ever having a “hot body” again. I used all the excuses. Too tired. No time. Can’t afford gym membership. Until I finally had it—I was a size 10, flabby all over and I didn’t want to be one of “those” moms who just watched her kids play. I wanted to play with them. (And look good in a swimsuit, too!)
I started taking some classes, and the instructor recommended Brazil Butt Lift, which was great, because my best friend wanted me to join her in a Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Group. I had seen the infomercials, thought it looked like fun…and it WAS Fun!

I loved the variety. It always kept me coming back for more. I loved how I felt when I was done. And I loved the way my body became more defined and lean. My waist seemed to melt away! I am more comfortable in a swimsuit. I’ve had people come up and compliment me on the way I look. I have so much energy, I can totally keep up with my boys (thanks, Shakeology!!).

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

And I actually enjoy clothes shopping again. I didn’t drop a lot of weight, which I didn’t expect. But the muscle definition is a HUGE improvement. I couldn’t be any happier.