Daily Success 12/8/2012 P90X saved Roberts life!

“I was basically killing myself. My eating was out of control. I was a heavy drinker. I was totally stressed out. I didn’t exercise. I weighed 388 pounds. I felt worthless. And just catching my breath was getting harder and harder every day.

I was angry—at myself—for what I had done to my body.

That’s when a friend stepped in and saved my life. He gave me a heart-to-heart—and P90X. It was just the lifeline I needed. At first, it was tough, but I felt strangely comfortable with it. It felt like I was working out with friends. Within months, I was addicted. In a year and 2 months, I have lost nearly 200 pounds. I can now breathe, tie my shoes, and run for miles!

My energy levels are now through the roof. And I feel reborn—literally—like a new person. Thanks to P90X, I’ve even given myself a second birthday—July 5th. And as a present to myself—I’m passing along the gift my friend gave to me by helping others who are close to me change their lives, too.”

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