Category Archives: Body Beast

A little memory this #ThrowBackThursday


#ThrowbackThursday is sometimes is just a day to sit back after a workout  and know that you gave it everything that you had and know its something you can’t have done in the past.

August 11th 2013 Newsletter

Are you the tortoise or the hare?

Do you feel like you are losing the fight?  You have tried the quick fade diets and they get you some results but you always fall back to where you started? Tortoise_and_hare_rackham

In the world that we live in today we are constantly bombarded with get rich quick schemes; get thin by just adding a sprinkle of this or eating a certain diet.  All of these things are things that I would consider “Hare” products.  Their advertising says that it is so simple that anyone can do it but just like the hare in the Aesop’s Fables the hare ran ahead of the tortoise and stopped to take a nap, the tortoise who did fall into the traps of having to go fast knew that slow and steady wins the race kept plugging along and did win the race! I won’t argue that some of these “Hare” products and programs have some results but as soon as you stop them we truly haven’t learned to change your life and as soon as you stop the results disappear and you are no further ahead than when you started.Modeling our lives in the way of the tortoise is where true results comes from.  Through consistency we build habits that will change our lives and the lives of those around us.  Don’t focus on the habits that you need to change focus on the habits that you are building.

Commit – Fitness – Nutrition – Support – Rewards SUCCEED!!!


Looking for the right program that is right for you?

Check out these DEALS!!

T25 is a mega hit and people are getting amazing results from just 25 minutes a day!!  Look at team member Christine E.  She is half way through T25 is already see amazing results and she still has 6 weeks left! The great news is that since people have loved T25 so much, Beachbody is extending it offer on the T25 Challenge Pack!!

Here's my progress since starting T25 6 weeks ago. Still working on getting my nutrition on track, but was pleasantly surprised by the small changes in the photos The left being the before and the right being now. Still trying to get into the dress I wore when I graduated high school four years ago!! I know it's small changes, but just wanted to share since I missed STATurday. Keep pushing forward!! Here’s my progress since starting T25 6 weeks ago. Still working on getting my nutrition on track, but was pleasantly surprised by the small changes in the photos The left being the before and the right being now. Still trying to get into the dress I wore when I graduated high school four years ago!! I know it’s small changes, but just wanted to share. Keep pushing forward!!T25 Challenge Pack:

TurboFire – If you like zumba and/or instructor led classes then you have to check out TurboFire.  Chalene Johnson is crazy motivated and will get you moving!!


TurboFire – If you like zumba and/or instructor led classes then you have to check out TurboFire.  Chalene Johnson is crazy motivated and will get you moving!!  This 12 week program along with its fire drills will get you moving sweating and getting you to your goals. Check out Devan S.  She was had the last draw when her doctor but her in cholesterol meds and she had an allergic reaction to them.  TurboFire changed everything around and now instead of looking for a “magic pill” or a “body in a bottle” but now she has a new look out on life!! TurboFire Challegne Pack: Beast

is probably the number one program that will get you to a physic that you are wanting.  Someone you know that I was able to compete in the first ever Beast Classic in Las Vegas this past June and now I get the opportunity to let you know that this program is on sale!

CDM 2013-06-19  7278-L_MG_7039-X3
P90X will always be my first love and I think it is the best overall program but as Team Member Richard N. said “I did P90X to get to where I need to be, but I am using Body Beast to get to where I want to be.”. Now is your chance to join me in a round of Body Beast as I will be starting another round of Body Beast.  And don’t think that women can’t get involved take a look at the winners for the competition: out the challenge pack and come join me!!
Each challenge pack comes with a workout program, 30 days of Shakeology, 30 days of a Club Beachbody that will provided you exactly what to eat, and support of me and the team!!

First Physique Show!! Body Beast Classic.

So recently I went down to Las Vegas for Beachbody’s annual Beachbody Summit.  One of this years activities was the first ever Beast Classic physique show.

The week preparing for the show was tough.  Lots of calorie watching and making sure that I had the correct ratios of protein, carbs and fat, drinking up to 2 gallons of water a day and watching the sodium intake.  I am glad that I did it.

I had the pleasure to stay and competing with my new friend Ian.  He is a team member of a fellow coach and simply is a great guy.  Here we are after the show.Ian

The first day was pre-qualification and that was a ton of hurry up and wait, but the experience was incredible as it was interesting to see how the judging was done and meeting the other competitors.  And posing is not simple, huge respect gained for people that do these shows for a living.

The next day was the actual show and it was nerve-racking and exciting at the same time.  Nothing like getting in front of a couple of thousand people in nothing but board shorts.  I was on of the top 10 finalist which was my goal.  Take a look I should be the fifth person (yes I do the splits):

The question has come up of “Will you do it again?”, I don’t know at this point (tho I am leaning toward yes), but only time will tell.

The best thing is that my body was made at home.  I didn’t visit a gym except for a few times for fun.  I used the premium supplement from Body Beast along with the nutrition guide that comes with the program.  Simple as 1, 2, 3.

I have a team of people who are currently doing this program and many other programs to change their life.  Come join us, click here to contact me!  Or join the Team here: Free TeamBeachBody Account

Daily Success 5/2/2013 – the last thing I wanted to do was grow old as a fat

If you want to play Texas football (especially in college), you gotta be BIG—and big I was. I was a 6’ 3” strong muscle machine. But years later, I was still big—yet a lot of that muscle wasn’t muscle anymore. Instead, it was…well…let’s just say, it was the opposite of muscle. I was still in my 20’s and the last thing I wanted to do was grow old as a fat person, popping a bunch of pills to stay “healthy”. No, I wanted to be in shape again so I could be a good role model for my future children. And while I knew what I wanted, all I had to do was change. So I did.
I ended up losing over 70 lbs. with P90X/INSANITY Hybrid, P90X2, and INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. But it wasn’t like the fat just melted away. During my first round of P90X, I didn’t pay any attention to my diet and my results were pretty pathetic. Next go around, I tracked my calories and it really helped me dial in on my nutrition. I had no idea how big of a role food played in my health. But now I do.

After awhile, losing weight became pretty easy, so I began to focus on how to put on some good weight to get my old body back. I took advantage of the “cold months” here in Texas to Beast Up, and boy, I’m so glad I did. Body Beast was amazing and I loved every single workout. I was lifting all the time and putting on a ton of mass. Plus, eating more was a nice change, although consuming that many calories was tougher than I thought.

Tracking my food and drinking Shakeology were my two “difference-makers” during my transformation. By drinking Shakeology daily, I was getting a healthy, all-natural meal without tons of calories or fat. Plus, I had fewer cravings, more energy, and slept better (even though I wake up at 4:40 a.m. to work out).

What Beachbody did for my life inspired me so much that I decided to become a Coach and “pay it forward”. My true passion is to help others and tell them EVERYTHING I know so they can get to where I am, as fast as possible. These Beachbody programs are life changers, as long as you stick with them and give every workout your all.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

My advice: Don’t focus on the scale or short-term goals. Put in the work and the results will come, no matter what. Don’t get discouraged when the scale doesn’t change much in a week. Keep doing what you are doing, and in the long run, you’ll get the results you want. Trust me! I did. And so can you.

Daily Success 4/19/2013 – Gaining weight and putting on muscle was never easy for me.

Hey, most people here are trying to lose weight, but I had the opposite problem. I was always the skinny guy—gaining weight and putting on muscle was never easy for me. I was big into running, but hitting the gym was another story—it never really worked because I’d take breaks and talk to my buddies.
So when I cracked my kneecap, I wasn’t allowed to run. But I could lift weights. And since I’m a Beachbody Coach, I knew this was the perfect time to Beast Up with Body Beast. When I read “the Book of Beast,” I knew I had my work cut out for me—including taking in a ton of calories.

I’m an INSANITY and Asylum grad, so I knew the program would be hard. And I knew it would work, so along with two buddies, I got going…and loved it. The dynamic and super sets were fantastic. Body Beast is exactly what a weight lifting program should be. All the lifting I had done in the past was wrong.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

How do I know? I was shocked at my before and after pictures. I put on 7 lbs. of muscle. Added an inch of muscle to my arms, and 5 inches to my chest. I had shoulder muscle and back muscle definition for the first time in my life.

Thanks to Body Beast, I have proven to myself that with hard work and dedication, I can put on muscle. I am so proud of my new body. And I’m more confident than ever. I’ve found a new dedication to fitness. Now that I’ve “Beasted Up,” none of my buddies have the guts to call me “the skinny kid” any more. Next, I’m going after a six-pack!

Daily Success 3/27/2013 – I saw in the mirror each day was of a person who had no passion about life

Before I started my journey, I was on a 4 cheeseburger, 2 large pizza, beer, no exercise kind of lifestyle. I had zero focus. Could care less about my health. The image I saw in the mirror each day was of a person who had no passion about life. It was a downward spiral. No hope of living a long and happy life.
But once my kids came along, everything changed.

I started with P90X®. I was the beginning of my journey. It taught me how to work out at home. Now I am doing Body Beast® I wanted something to help build some mass while burning off the fat. Beast is the perfect workout for someone like me.

So far, I have lost about 160 pounds, altogether using various Beachbody programs—P90X, INSANITY, Body Beast, Shakeology, the Ultimate Reset, etc. The weight loss has to be my biggest accomplishment. But now that I’m doing Body Beast, I have packed on about 15 pounds of muscle. So my journey is transforming. Taking me places I never could have imagined.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

I have gone from a couch potato to a fitness warrior. My life has been given back to me. I would have been dead by 40. Now age is just a number. I eat for success, not satisfaction. I use the food tracker to keep track of every piece of food that goes in my mouth. I complete marathons, warrior dashes, Spartan runs.


Daily Success 3/8/2013 – It completely stripped me of my self-worth and pride

1-Chris-BodyBeastI was an athlete in college, so I was used to working out and being in top shape. I never had to worry about falling off the wagon. I did P90X and looked great. But once I graduated and real life began—it was nothing but work, work, work. I just didn’t have time to train consistently.

And that killed me. I was depressed that all my hard work with P90X was getting erased. It completely stripped me of my self-worth and pride. So I had to take control again.

I started Body Beast and loved it. At first I was discouraged at the weight I was able to do—which was nowhere near what I used to lift. But Sagi was so supportive. And I had my own BEAST UP Challenge Group. My fellow Beasters helped motivate me. It was great to be able to talk about our workouts, our progress and struggles.

Slowly, I got better. I knew if I just stayed consistent and gave it everything I had, I could get back to my old self. Little did I know that I’d SURPASS my old self. Body Beast took my body to a whole new level. I’m in better shape than I have ever been in my life. After 90 days, I’m up 18 lbs of muscle. My chest, shoulders, arms and back are the biggest they have ever been! My strength is through the roof!

And my confidence is back. My wife and I are happier than ever. We’re having our first baby. And I finally feel useful again. I feel incredible. I plan to continue running BEAST UP Challenge Groups to help others!

Daily Success 3/6/2013 – I was on meds for depression, anxiety, and acid reflux.

Talk about a complete mess—before I started with Beachbody, I was totally out of control. Every day was the same—work…drink 8 cups of coffee…smoke 2 packs of cigarettes…work…go home…gorge on food till I’d pass out in a food coma…then get up and do it all over again.

I was on meds for depression, anxiety, and acid reflux. I hated every picture of myself, and actually deleted years of my life because I couldn’t stand the way I looked. And I desperately needed a change.

27-William-P90X-BodyBeastSo after seeing an infomercial for P90X, I said, okay. I did P90X and loved it. Everything was a challenge—learning to eat, learning to work out—but I stuck with it. It was the start of my journey, and I loved it. It got me back on track. But the thing that really changed my life was Body Beast. It just seemed like the next logical step—and it was. Bulk, baby, bulk became my mantra.

And every part of my life has changed. I LOVE fitness and living life, versus just watching it pass me by. I do mud runs and races. My relationships have gotten better. I got my confidence back. Got my self-esteem back. Got my thirst for life back. And I’ve got a better body than ever before!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Body Beast—and Beachbody—changed my life…and they can change yours, too!

Daily Success 1/27/2013 – I’ve always wanted to be big. And by “big” I mean massive, buff, intimidating


My whole life I’ve been the super skinny kid who was ridiculously strong. But I was tired of being that guy. I’ve always wanted to be big. And by “big” I mean massive, buff, intimidating. Ever since I could remember, my dream was to walk into a gym and OWN IT! Have jaws drop and eyes bulge. I didn’t want guys to think twice about messing with me. So that’s why I did Body Beast®! I wanted to pack on some serious mass and lose that little boy image I’ve been carting around my whole life. And BAM, that’s exactly what I did.

I gained about 5 lbs of lean muscle on P90X, and then 9 more with Body Beast. Gained 5 inches in my chest, and went from 21% body fat down to 9%. Beast pushed me to the max during every workout. There wasn’t a moment where I was bored or said to myself, “I’ve already done this before”—because I hadn’t. Beast showed me new ways to lift weights, and the nutrition guide told me exactly what I needed to eat in order to pack on the pounds.

I also started drinking Shakeology®, which has truly changed my life. Not only does Shakeology give me tons more energy, it has drastically improved my digestion, and just makes me feel healthier overall. Super Suma and Max Creatine are amazing, too, because they helped me push my limits!

Even though I’m the type of guy who does whatever it takes to get things done, my Beachbody Coach, was instrumental in my success. He was incredibly motivating, knowledgeable, and answered my questions on the fly. My Facebook group was very supportive and helped me out a lot.

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups

Now I feel so incredibly strong, healthy, and am ready to take on the world! People do double takes all the time and there couldn’t be a better feeling in the world than that. When asked how I did it, I tell them I UNLEASHED THE BEAST! Best of all, I’ve had to buy new shirts since my old stuff doesn’t come close to fitting anymore. XL shirts now fit me really well and my wife says she’s very happy with my results! Like they say: Happy wife, happy life. I can’t say enough about Body Beast other than IT ROCKS HARD CORE!

Thursday Workout Review – Body Beast Build Chest and Tris

Review Beach Body’s Body Beast Build Chest and Tris.  Like bulk wasn’t hard enough in Build Chest and Tris, Sagi puts you through the ringer and really gets your body building.  6 set and 49 minutes of pushing, pulling and extending is going to get your muscles growing!!  Three days later and I am now just getting completely over the soreness.  Follow the Beast, Train like the Beast, become a beast!!

Click here to find out more about the Beachbody Challenge and Challenge Groups