Daily Success 1/18/2013 – Even though I’ve struggled with chronic pain


Even though I’ve struggled with chronic pain in my neck and shoulders from a car accident 10 years ago, I loved doing TurboFire. Then, when I injured my knee doing something else, my worst thought was, ‘I’m not going to get back to TurboFire for a year!’

It took a month and a half before I could even walk around. Add the pain from my neck and shoulders and I finally said, ‘enough is enough’ and started looking for an answer. I saw some people talking about how Tai Cheng had strengthened their knee so they could get back to doing what they loved.

So I began Tai Cheng with pain in my shoulders, neck and knee. At first, it took all I had to keep up as I struggled with pain in my shoulders holding myself up in plank position. But within a month, I began noticing how my knee was beginning to heal faster and how my body felt so stress-free after the workouts.

Today, my shoulder pain is gone. My neck pain is gone. I can plank pain free and keep up with Dr. Cheng. What I like most about Tai Cheng is that it centered me, strengthened me, and kept me aware of my body and how I can align it better. It’s such a powerful feeling.

But the best thing Tai Cheng gave me is my knee is back to being 100%! I can even do jumps. It is such a blessing. I can’t thank Dr. Cheng and Beachbody enough for giving me back full use of my knee!

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