Daily Success 1/13/2013 – At 35, I found myself looking soft, feeling chubby, and living a lethargic life


At 35, I found myself looking soft, feeling chubby, and living a lethargic life. I traveled a lot for work, and even though I was pretty good about working out at hotel gyms—I was pretty bad about what I ate. I mean, really, really bad about what I ate.

I knew that if I wanted to get healthy and fit, I’d have to commit to working out daily as well as majorly revamp my diet. Sounded good, but I had no idea how to do it. Then one day, I saw an Insanity® infomercial and learned that not only could I do the workouts pretty much anywhere, it also comes with a nutrition guide, a Coach, and an online support team to help keep me motivated as well as hold me accountable. SCORE! This was exactly what I was looking for. I was sold, and never looked back.

In 60 days, Insanity completely changed my life. The workouts were quick-paced and packed with so many different exercises that boredom was never an issue. And the moves were so intense that it left me feeling completely wasted when done. Which was great, because my goal wasn’t to just get in shape, it was to get ripped—and that I did.

Now I’m in the best shape of my life and have developed much better eating habits, even while on the road. I steer clear of junk and drink protein shakes instead. I lost 8 lbs. and went from 19% body fat down to 9%. I’m so proud of my results, and so is my family. Hey, if I can get ripped at 35, anyone can. You just got to push play everyday and stick with it.

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