Category Archives: Combat

Daily Success 4/10/2013 – I was ashamed to take my shirt off at the beach.

I’ve been a firefighter for 18 years. But that didn’t stop me from letting myself go. I had a bad knee, a ruptured PCL, and a million excuses for my poor diet and lack of exercise. Yeah, I was embarrassed. I was ashamed to take my shirt off at the beach. And I had constant back pain.
But it wasn’t until I found myself eating a ¾-lb. burger, large fries and onion rings on September 11, 2011 that it really hit me. I was dishonoring the memory of my fallen brothers by letting myself go. They gave everything and I was giving nothing. I sat at my desk, coffee cup balanced on my belly and thought, “you’re disgusting.”

I needed a change. And I was finally ready to make it.

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Shakeology was the start. I’ve had one a day now for 12 months and I can’t imagine going without it. Not just because it helps control my urge to eat junk food, but also because it has fueled my LES MILLS COMBAT workouts. COMBAT has improved my balance, coordination, cardio condition—and it melted the fat off my. It feels great to get out and push myself—the sweat flies and the frustrations of life are gone.

I’ve gone from 234 lbs. down to 178—the lowest I’ve been since my twenties. I’m off blood pressure medication. I am full of energy. I sleep better than ever. My testosterone has jumped from 520 to 675…and I AM HEALTHY!

Best of all, I am a leader again and an asset to my crew of firefighters. I am their captain and it feels awesome to be back. Most people won’t get this, but here’s the most profound change: I rely on bottled air when I enter a burning structure. In the past I would use a 45-minute bottle in about 20 minutes. Not good and not safe. But now I can make the same bottle last for nearly 50 minutes! That’s incredible.